An online survey (done on behalf of B.C. Notaries) found that 66% of 800 BC parents of children 18 or younger do not have a Will; only 44% of BC adults have a Will in place and only 57% of homeowners have a current Will. The survey was done in March 2018 in preparation for the “Make a Will Week” (dated April 8 to 14, 2018). This “Make a Will Week” was implemented to encourage individuals and families to discuss the topic and future planning. A lot of people put off creating a Will, and this can create stress and conflict amongst family members after a person’s death regarding the custody of any children under 18 and property distribution. If there is no legal Will in place, or if the Will was not completed properly the cost of administering your estate can also be higher. Creating a Will is not a complicated process and can mostly be done through two short meetings. First meeting will consist of discussing general overview of the assets and the intentions for their distribution and the second meeting will finalize the plan and the paperwork. It is also important to remember to update your Will every five to ten years with the most recent and current plan for your assets and your intentions. If you want to discuss your needs, please don't hesitate to contact us via email: [email protected] or via phone: 604 266 6644 Comments are closed.